You can customize the appearance of the emails you send via Sendforsign’s infrastructure, use your own email domain,
change the domain of recipient links you generate, and more.
Body parameters
The sender’s name that will be shown in the emails you send to recipients.
Available for Business accounts only. You’ll need input from the Sendforsign team—contact your account manager.
Available for Business accounts only. You’ll need input from the Sendforsign team—contact your account manager.
A short text shown at the bottom of the emails you send to recipients.
The logo that will be shown in the emails you send to recipients. Provide a public URL to a PNG, JPG, JPEG, or SVG image (W154 x H30).
The button color that will be shown in the emails you send to recipients. Provide a hex code; the default is #1677ff.
Available for Business accounts only. You’ll need input from the Sendforsign team—contact your account manager.
The message of the answer.