The Template List component is a React component that renders the list of templates created by a specific client (clientKey). This component is integrated with the Template Editor component, allowing users to open existing contracts and create new ones via the Template List component.




First, install Sendforsign components. After that:

import { TemplateList } from 'sendforsign';



apiKeystringUse only for testing purposes. API key for your platform.
clientKeystringUse only for testing purposes. Client key for the account that is using the infrastructure.
tokenstringClient token refers to the client that is using the infrastructure. Learn more about client tokens here.
userKeystringUser key for the user who is creating a template.
isModalbooleantrueIf false, every click on the table row will save the templateKey to local storage. If true, a click on the table row will open a modal window with the template rendered.